A Single Coin

So this one, my friend Mary sent me, she is an awesome writer, (Probably better than I,) I hope y'all enjoy her story and have the courage to send me some more for me to post!

  the tear that had just slipped softly down my grimy cheek, landed in my parched mouth. it tasted like salt, which only made me even thirstier. I didn't know that was even possible. my hair was whipped around by the wind, lashing at my face. even mother nature despised me. I hugged my knees tighter, hoping that I could just disappear. or even better, that a fairy would come and change me. make my skin clearer and smooth. make the giant lumps and bulges on my face go away. make my eyes the same size. maybe even make my stomach stop growling. I smiled as I thought about how wonderful it would be to skip down the streets of Novenshire and smile at people. well, the smiling part isn't THAT amazing, but the part where the people smile back at me is the wonderful part. they would actually smile, not scream, or run, or call their children inside when they saw me. I chastised myself for smiling. no, I told myself, you have nothing to smile about. as my smile faded, I realized the only thing I ate today was a squished up moldy tomato I found on the road. why me? I ask. But I don't even know who I'm asking. no one cares. 
well, it's time to beg. I tell myself. so I stand up, stiff. I shuffle out of the alley I'm camped out onto the street nearby. I assume my begging post. I set a tin pan at my feet in front of me and sit back down again, waiting for someone to give me something. but no one ever will. this is my life. my place in the world. to wait...and be hungry..and wait....
the sound jolted me out of my dream. I had been dreaming about my mother and my sister. ever since they died in the fire,I always have dreams about them. I never met my sister though. she was a bit younger than me. The only thing I remember is that she lived with mother and I lived with Uncle Feiknir. 
 l looked up and standing there, with a sympathetic smile , was a young girl, no older than 11 years old.  she had the most gorgeous auburn hair, that fell in little ringlets down her back. they ran down her shoulders, and seemed to shine even though the city was always overcast and had a grey, cloud-strewn sky. The wind played with the curls and they bounced up and down.
She emitted a small gasp when she saw my eyes. I knew I ugly. everyone did. but why did they always need to share that with me? 
   " h-h-hi." she stuttered, remembering she could talk. "are you hungry?" she asked. 
did she actually just ask me that? I am so thin I think she can see right through me! ignoring my frustration, I respond.
    " yes." I say coldly. I look down in my tin pan. I can't believe it!  she must have given me 3 or 4 pounds!
     "that's so much! th-thank you." I can't speak. "but why?" she looks confused.
     "well, why not?" she inquires, obviously trying to be kind. 
     "I don't want your sympathy." I say she knows why. deep down I feel a pang of regret for being so rude. 
     "I have a brother like you, you know..." she says, "and I know how he feels. He feels just like you, I bet. if it wasn't for the circus we would be on the streets like you."
     "what circus?" I ask
     "the traveling circus. the one with all the....frea--uh--oddities...what's your name?" she asks
     "Pat Garlilly" i say. her jaw drops. she stands there looking at me with absolute aww. "hey." I say to her attention back. 
     " that's impossible...MY name is Peggy Garlilly.


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